

How do I even begin this post? I knew I jinxed myself when I said that I tend to get somewhat injured on vacations. So, yeah, I went to the hospital today. 


It was a lovely, bright, sunny and warm morning, perfect for a beach day. Shannon, Arianna and I packed up our things, and I was ready to do some reading and relaxing. We were so close, and then, I had to take a tumble. 


We were walking on the concrete heading to the sand, then out of nowhere, the path stopped; I hit the concrete on my back and slid down this unnecessary slide and slammed into the sand. Everyone around me goes “ooo.” Of course, I had to be a klutz and be so excited over getting to the water that I did not notice a stupid slope. This moment is probably at the top of the top 10 most embarrassing moments in my life. 


As I am bawling my eyes out on the beach in pain, people start coming up to me trying to sell blankets, drinks and massages. Literally no one cared that I was sobbing in pain. A few moments pass, then some bystanders start trying to call an ambulance. All I needed was ibuprofen and some ice. Thankfully, some bystander got a cup of ice, while Shannon got a pack of ice and tried to find some ibuprofen. 


A taxi ride home, and I am still crying like a wimp. Arianna reaches out to CEA about getting to a doctor, which we then have to wait for an email on instructions; I was not a happy camper. About an hour later, we finally arrived at the emergency room, which did not have ice packs. I practiced how to ask for the international desk, and the moment I started to speak, the receptionist pointed to the desk to the right. 


Thankfully, the wait was not too long, and I got to see a doctor that spoke pretty good english. I then got some x-rays, a shot in the bum, and we were on our merry way. We met some other college students from New Jersey on our way out that are also in Barcelona for a three weeks program. Today was their second day, and the girl got pink eye from her pillow, which really humbled me. We then picked up my prescription of icy hot cream and stronger ibuprofen and got dinner. 


You have strong bones,

Erin 🙂

Categories: BarcelonaSpain