Hi Everyone,

Baylee and I went to the beach for the last time on our very last free day and said goodbye to Vai Moana and our favorite waiter! It was a sad parting as we had gone to that beach several times together and had eaten at Vai Moana every time we went. Our waiter had become my friend and we texted even when we weren’t at the beach.

Vai Moana had the best nachos I’ve ever had in my life and I’m still having withdrawals from them. Most of all, I’ll miss the beach which was actually really nice and not very crowded at all. The whole time we were in Spain they were warning us about these beaches and how they could be dangerous, but the beach itself was actually gorgeous and besides the annoying people who walked around begging us to buy sand towels, we were totally left alone!

I will always have fond memories of Vai Moana, the waiter whose name I could never remember, and of course the beach!

That’s all,


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