My first thought when I arrived in Barcelona was the weather difference compared to Pennsylvania. To be fair we are in a warmer climate then we are used to. With us staying close to the coasts of Barcelona we do feel the wind coming from the ocean so its not too terribly hot, well at least the two days I’ve been here.

The other things I’ve noticed is the food. This was one of the many things I’ve been excited for coming to Barcelona. With the two days I have experienced so much fresh and delicious food. The first thing I ate here was prawns, clams, and muscles. Eating them here compared to the United States astronomically different in taste and presentation. I wish I would have taken a picture of it before eating them.

Today we experienced the importance of lunch and the rich history of Barcelona. For lunch today we were very fortunate enough to go to La Lluna. This restraint had two to pick from two entrees and two deserts. I choose the cuttlefish mixed with rice, muscle and prawn oil. The presentation looked great and the taste was even better. I ended up choosing the cheese cake for dessert and it was very good. Before we received our entrees they gave us five different appetizers. The interesting part was you had to eat all of the food they give you or it’s a sign of disrespect.

After we ate we then took a walking tour and visited some of the notable places near our apartments. Barcelona is such an amazing city and is completely different then Pittsburgh. It amazes me how compact all of the stores and apartments are in this city.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain