Thursday May 11th 2023,

Good morning 🌅,

Shannon and I went to go get her card for her phone. She forgot her passport so we headed  back to the apartments. On our way back we bumped into Jessie and we all decided to get Juice Dudes Barcelona est in 2017. I got an acai bowl, Shannon and Jessie got one they also got coffee as well. We all chatted a bit then said our goodbyes. Shannon and I went back to the apartment she grabbed her passport and we went to the Orange store Erin came with. We all went back to the apartment to plan the day. Everyone wanted to shop, I texted Devin to see whats up with him and the guys. He messaged back saying a photowalk and the beach he asked if I would want join I said yes! Off we went shopping around. I got my dads coworker his Barcelona football scarf i had video called him to pick witch one. Erin loves books so we went into a book store and wondered around. I took an insta photo of a typewriter. We some more architecture and unfortunatly a seagull eating a pigeon. We found a sweet shop called chok and got mini cakes. Also found a Claire’s store 😂. Erin and Shannon walked me to meet up with Devin.

Afternoon walking around with Devin and taking photos,

Met up with Devin and we walked around. We found this shop called The Haunted Oak. the shop had handcrafted stuff the one was of a notebook made of leather and it had a fox art work on it it was really cool. In the back room was bone reading and tarrott cards. The whole place was cool. We talked to the owner who was working on a notebook piece that had a fox on it as well sadly $150 for it. He had us grab a ruin through a giants mouth. He told us our meanings for the ruin I grabbed and Devin grabbed and we got to keep them. He also gave me a card with a dragon on it to take home. We said our goodbye’s and went on our way to the beach for more photos. We got lost on our way and ended up passing by the Arc de Triomf. There was so much going on between music, people working out, and tourists. We walked around another architecture and saw someone with a tone of pet birds with plastic collars with a metal circle number on it. We passed the zoo and smelled elephant also passed a skatepark area. Finally made it to the ocean. Took a-lot of photos and took a video of Devin for my montage. It was a long walk back so we took the metro.


Devin and I were getting hungry after we got off the metro so we went to taco bell 🌮 lol American food. I got a supreme and nachos. Devin was nice and walked me back to the apartment and that was the night,



Categories: BarcelonaSpain