Beach Day! ๐ŸŒŠ

Morning came,ย  and I went to take a shower picked up Shannons clothes and ants ๐Ÿœย  came out I was so upset I told Shannon and she said she had noticed them yesterday. I wanted to complain cause that was gross so I messaged Robin and she said to take pictures and give a bad review. Also the hot water wasn’t working so I did go downstairs and ask about that. The concierge checked he said give it 10 minutes and to try again i waited nothing tried again and turned the nozzle the other direction and it worked. We got ready and went down to breakfast. The breakfast was so good! ๐Ÿณ They had fresh fruit, bacon, eggs, treats, and jams. We finished up packed our bags and checked out and went to the beach. I texted Joey and he got back to me and we met him and others later in the day. Shannon and I relaxed on the beach and then met Joey and the others Katie, Jonna, and Gavin. Sat down next to them and enjoyed the sun. Went in the water with Shannon. Later on Baylee, Tia, Rylie, Erin, and Hannah joined us. We all enjoyed the sun and water. Got up to go get some food with Katie, Joey, Shannon, and Jonna. When I got up I noticed my nose drip and had forgotten to take allergy meds. I got pizza and an empanada and a watermelon flavored drink. We all left together to go to the train station around 430pm because the trains would start running 30 minutes instead of every 15ย  minutes.ย  We all made it back to Barcelona.

Food Run ,

Shannon and I did a food run and also got medicine and aloe for Shannons sun burn. Went back to the apartment. Erin, Shannon, Tatum, and I went walking around we found a pizza shop and stopped for food. Later on the night I wanted to go out but I wasn’t feeling well with my throat so Tatum and I looked up food places and I found a good ramen place todo takeaway since Shannon wasn’t feeling well either with her sunburn. I asked tia if she wanted to go but she had gotten food at a sports bar in Sitges so she was full. The ramen shop was called Takumi Ramen and Yakisoba Aribau. I got the basic one Tatum got a spicy one same with Shannons. tatum and I walked back and we had our meal. It was so good and soothing for my throat. Later on Tia wanted some but sadly they were closed so she went to the corner store and got a microwave one. That was the night.


Categories: BarcelonaSitgesSpain