I slept in super hard. I definitely needed that after the hectic weekend and the nonstop moving of the past few days I have been here. That’s not to say I didn’t do anything on Sunday. I went to a local coffee shop and got a delicious mocha and a jamon bagel.

Today’s main two highlights were going to the Barcelona history museum and seeing Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3.

Barcelona’s history museum was nothing short of fascinating. I love learning about history, but some of the issues I have with learning history is that it is difficult to visualize events and societies from so long ago. However, the Barcelona History museum was built directly onto old still standing ruins, with a way to walk through them. The first area was a direct trek through preserved ruins, complete with eerie music. The tour ended with a visit to a church built in the 14th century. It was honestly a great museum, and even better because it was free. Museums are free on the first Sunday of every month here.

We tried to go to the Picasso museum but they were out of free tickets for the day, so we decided to come back another day. Instead we decided to go to their other history museum located in that area. It was okay, just a collection of artifacts from different cultures. Nothing I had seen before, but it was free so I’m not really complaining.

After the best bowl of ramen I have ever had in my life, it was time to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3.

First off, the theater was incredibly nice.  This particular set of theaters in downtown Barcelona consisted of two buildings. One building had a set of four smaller screens, showing The Super Mario Brothers Movie, Beau is Afraid and some Spanish movies. Across the street was their fifth screen, and it was massive.

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 was fantastic. I have been suffering from the Marvel fatigue like many other fans of this now 15 year movie franchise. A lot of the movies have suffered from inconsistent writing, action, and too much proposition. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 is probably the best in the series, and one of the best movies I have seen in recent memory. Fully recommend it.

Categories: Barcelona