To the ocean 🌊,

Woke up in the morning and just could not figure an outfit out. Literally everyone could not. I think i went through three outfit changes and decided to go with my romper. the other girls went dressed similar. We walked to the meeting spot so we did not have to spend money. Everyone met up and we went to the ports. While we waited to go onto the boat there was two guys playing music and using a soccer ball todo trick shots with Joey and Jonna gave them a couple coins. Finally we went onto the boat. What was rally cool was the boat at the front had these 4 sets of nets that you could sit on and see the ocean below. you had to take your shoes off but it was worth it i sat up there the whole time. it did get chilly but it was fun. everyone took photos and videos it was a good time. After we got off had to decide were to eat. I stayed and tried a hotdog with onions, ketchup, and mustard it was horrible I wanted to be sick but I finished it. After I went with Katie Joey Hannah and Gavin and walked around I asked o go to the one Mexican place Tia, Baylee, and Erin were at and meet them there. We got lost on the metro system and ended up getting off and found ourselves in the richer street with stores like louie viton and Gocci. We found our way back to the apartment and headed to bed.


Categories: BarcelonaSpain