Friday May 19th 2023

Morning came,

Talked to Shannon and Tatum the night before about possibly going to Athens Greece but tickets were looking to expensive at $365 round trip so we decided against it and stayed in Barcelona. Also thought about visiting London since I have fam there also decided against it. I kept seeing posters for Ice Nine Kills for tommorow night so I thought about going. Well its been decided we left around 1pm to got to Tossa De Mar which was a 2hr bus drive. We got to the bus station chilled and got on the bus. Unfortunately when we arrived we found that the last bus was at 630pm so we had about 2hrs or so to wonder around and it also was drizzling so we did not stay on the beach. We met other American students and added them on social on the bus. We arrived and started our adventure to the beach. We saw 2 cats took pics and continued on made it to the beach and it was drizzling so we walked to find food. We found this one restaurant and sat down and ate. I got a chicken salad same with Shannon she also got a sangria Tatum got Piata after we walked around the Castell  Tossa De Mar – Vila Vella very pretty. We took pics and selfies got pictures by a canon and then we had to walk back. On the way back we got gelato. Not the best. Made our way back to the bus and got our tickets and went back to Barcelona. on the walk to the metro in Barcelona we saw kids playing football watched a bit and got to the metro. Got McDonalds cause i was hungry and did the kids meal that was a sufficient amount of food.

Night Adventure,

Looked up on tiktok in the apartment cool cocktail places and we decided on the Orient Express. Shannon, Tatum and I got dresses and we walked the 20min to get there. Everyone was dressed up and we waited in kine about 1hr. it was a train theme and they had a train bring you ur drink it was really cool. We had to put our drink order in a passport I got a fruity drink. Took lots of videos and pics. Got a pic with the waitresses and left. Then went back and got ready again and took a taxi to the beach bars/clubs. Went to the one and had a good night Shannon and I took a taxi back and Tatum came back to the apartment later in the evening. Everyone was back so we went to bed.


Categories: BarcelonaFoodSpain