Tuesday May 16th 2023,

Good Morning,

Dressed and ready to go for the Modernism Museum. Apparently we were minutes early to the museum because it wasn’t open yet. 1045am to 12pm. When it opened we met with the tour guide and he started us off. I took a couple pictures in the museum mirrors with some of the girls as well. the Museums art was defiantly interesting. After the tour ended I got a picture with the tour guide.

We had a break in between til 5pm and I got brunch with Tatum, Shannon and I finally got to got to Eat My Brunch witch was amazing! I got a smoothy and French toast with Cotton Candy!! it was so good everyone elses meals were good looking as well.  Afterwords we went wondering around instead of taking a taxi. went into another coffee shop that hsd this bike theme. then we went in what I thought was a spot for selfies but turns out was a car dealership! Tatum and Shannon sat down while I looked around i ended up getting a nose bleed and apologizing like 100 times to the nice guy he said it happens and got me a water and toilet paper. After that I got Shannon to wonder around with me and to take selfies and insta photos with it left like we were in there forever Tatum had to message us and we all left together with water. Got back to the apartment with a little time to charge up and off to CEA for the lecture.

Lecture with Marta Salicru 5pm til 630 pm

Arrived at CEA on time and waited for our guest lecture who was late. Marta Salicru works for Radio Primavera Sound founded in Barcelona in 2001. She was a music journalist. The  business started online it does broadcasts audio and video since 2019. They have multiple social medias including Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube with 100k followers. Marta directed Radio Primavera Sound Festival in 2019 they had to stop due to covid coming back after covid. They celebrate music they interview artists and talk. they put women queer people on their talk shows. in the community it broadcasts 24hrs a day and they have been on the Spanish version of Forbes Magazine. Over all a good presentation she talked a lot about her job and herself. Lecture over I got a picture with Marta and left. We had an hour so I got lunch with Hannah, Rylie, and Erin.

Castellers Training Session, 730pm-9pm

Then we went to go see the Castellers Training Session. Nona walked us there. We arrived and walked into the building saw a little bit of the training. and walked into a classroom where we watched the history of people stacking. After we went and watched them practice. A couple of us got to put our arms out and “help” not really participate. we watched about 3 formations and then left. Talked to Katie, Baylee, Erin, Hannah, Rylie, Tatum and Shannon on the way back to the metro. Baylee got super excited her aunt called and said they were seeing Taylor Swift in New YorkCity. Supper cool. Got back to the apartment and nothing much after. Planned with Tatum and Shannon we got dressed and got food and went out and unfortunately Shannons phone got pickpocket in the crowd we passed through going back to the apartment. On the way back we took some selfies to liten the mood, got back and she called her mom to tell her and I called mine to just chat after that went to bed.


Categories: BarcelonaLectureSpain