Sunday May 14th 2023,

Good Morning Free Day 😉

Got up for the morning pretty late around 11ish I kicked myself for that hate sleeping in especially in another country! Went to Tatum and Shannons room and talked about where to eat we decided on Eat My Brunch and left. Got a taxi. Unfortunately the brunch spot was filled and it started to rain. Then it started to down pour while we walked to another brunch spot that Tatum found called Billy’s Brunch. You know for a drought they had a lot of rain!! 🌧 We sang and tried to stay dry and just had fun with it. Made it and again Full! I think the waiter took pity on us and led us to a spot to sit in the back where we met students from Pitt or Penn cant remember. We all got OJ I ordered strawberry chocolate pancakes and bacon same with Shannon.  She also got sausage. Tatum got something I cant remember. Got the waiters insta to hang out tomorrow which never happened left and it stopped raining. Walked back  instead of taxing, walked into a flower shop Tatum stepped out Shannon got 3 roses had trouble understanding cashier the lady next to us had her BF translate. We left and I went back in and grabbed her instagram. Looked at her instagram and she was a Ukrainian model. Super cool! We all went back to the apartment but before I got popcorn from the movie theater which only had the option of sweet or salt I got salt and we went to the apartment.

Late Afternoon,

I was hungry again so I asked Erin to go get food with me. We went to a burger joint called Wild Beef. I got a basic burger that was very big and fries. The ketchup was to sweet so I didn’t use it. Called my mom chatted a bit and talked with Erin then we left. Went back to the apartment and chatted with Shannon and Tatum.


The three of us Tatum, Shannon, and I went out for a walk got icecream at Passione e tradizionc italiana IL Gelato Piemonte. I messaged Sultana the girl we met earlier and asked if she wanted to meet to hang. She said yes and met them at a place called the monk they got food earlier because a football game was going on so they said we could meet another day and said that was ok! Saw Baylee, Rylie, and Hannah and after we left. Went to another cool place then headed home. Don’t let a taxi driver charge you per person that is wrong and several taxi drivers tried til a nice one said yes I go off the meter. We made it back and went to bed.


Categories: BarcelonaFoodSpain