I did it. I successfully staved off the jet lag through the use of the feature film Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and by staying out in public until the last possible moment. If I am in public, it would be embarrassing for me to fall asleep. After being awake for 29 hours I finally got to hit the sack. When I awoke, much to my disbelief I was still in Spain.

I stopped at a small café on the way over here and got a great cup of coffee before orientation and lunch. The food in Spain is nothing short of amazing. I have yet to eat something bad. Even the Taco Bell I had last night was of substantially better quality than what is found in the States. The lunch we had with CEA was awesome. It was also a good crash course in the differences in restaurant etiquette over here My favorite thing I have eaten so far is definitely the Cuttlefish Fideua. The Patatas Bravas at this particular restaurant was I was too hungry and focused on eating it that I didn’t get to snap a picture, but I promise it was amazing. Fideau is kind of like Paella but with noodles instead of rice.

After lunch, we embarked on a walking tour of the area immediately surrounding it, including the Gothic Quarter and La Rambla. I’m a huge history nerd, so seeing medieval buildings and alleyways was right just my speed.

What was not my speed was La Rambla. It is hectic, tourist trapp-y and full of pickpockets. I had to make sure to keep a valiant watch on my things. I don’t want anyone to run off with my water bottle or my wallet. Overall, it was a fun first day that allowed us to get our bearings with the area nearby.


Edit: The last thing I did was buy a disposable camera, so it’ll be fun to see how these photos turn out. While I was buying the camera, a girl in the camera shop complimented my Home is Where shirt. I don’t know if she knew the band or just liked the design. So today’s song is for the girl at the camera shop.


Categories: Barcelona