Today us Point Park students were beyond lucky enough to take a trip out on the Mediterranean sea. Our mode of transit was a catamaran which is a sailboat that has many trampoline-like pads for sitting at the front end. I was more than happy to take my shoes off, sit down and enjoy this relaxing ride.

Before we got onto the boat we had a bit of a pre-show from two soccer players eager to show off their moves accompanied by some awesome tunes. I have never seen sports performed as a street show before. New experiences here right and left!

As we set sail we got a lovely view of the coast of Barcelona. We even got to see where cruise ships dock here which was interesting because many of us know performers on these ships! On top of this there was a guitarist and saxophonist performing live music as we sailed along. I also saw helicopter and gondola tours in the sky above us which definitely ignited some aspirations as far as activities go to fill up free time.

I will be honest I got a bit chilly as we got further out on the water, however, our lovely trip professor Teressa was so sweet to let me borrow the sweatshirt she brought.

We finished the trip in about an hour and a half which for someone like me who tends to get sea sick can be a while. Thanks to my fellow student Sophia who provided me dramamine I was able to enjoy this adventure to its fullest capacity! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store!

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