Hola, amigos!

Today was amazing! I loved every second of it. Our professor, Robin, chose a perfect first event for our trip. We went on a catamaran boat and sailed right into the mediterranean sea! 

As a group, we walked to the ports. While waiting for the boat we experienced two guys playing music and doing some tricks with a soccer ball. Joey and Jonah gave them some money (you have support the locals). 

With the live music, the drinks, the wind, water, and sun, it all felt so peaceful, I could have stayed all day and been perfectly happy.  

On the front of the boat, there were four large nets, two on either side of the boat. The class laid out on the nets, excited for the boat to start moving. I thought it was a pretty warm day so I enjoyed the drop in temperature from the wind, but many of the others were shivering and putting on long sleeved cover shirts. 

Arianna and I brought our polaroid cameras with us, but unfortunately I only got three pictures out of mine before it died. I got one of myself (taken by Robin), one of my classmate and friend, Tatum, and a group picture of the other girls. It didn’t develop quite right, but I still think it came out cute. It was up to them to figure out who got to keep it, and Tatum got to keep hers. 

My favorite part was probably the live music. I love being on boats and near water, but the day wouldn’t have felt complete without the live Jazz music. For about an hour and a half, I laid out on a boat, living my best life. However, I made sure to get a few pictures for the Instagram posts we have to make (#spainppu;  if you’re curious) 

When we made it back to the ports, Tatum and I went off to go find some food. We found this super cute restaurant that served a bunch of tapas. The waitress suggested that we each get about three for ourselves. Tatum and I figured out what we wanted and ordered. I really enjoyed the food and the fact that I got to talk and get to know her a bit better. She’s my direct roommate and seems like such a cool, laid back person. I would love to keep hanging out with her during the trip. 

On our way back to the apartment (it was a bit of a walk), Tatum saw a guy walking with roses and commented on how pretty they were. (I think roses are her favorite?) Well, the guy handed us both a rose, and then AFTER asked us for money. Tatum had a few American dollars and he took that. We know we got a little scammed, but we took the roses with us. All in all, I think today turned out great! 


Categories: Barcelona