May 5th was the day that everything changed for me in Barcelona. After observing the skateboarding culture, I came to the conclusion that I would have no choice but to buy a skateboard. I visited Petshop skateboards, which was located near where we were housed, and purchased a board. The owner, Julio, was very kind and helped me specialize my board to my own needs, and I am incredibly thankful and permanently indebted to him. I have never assembled a board myself before and had always bought complete boards, and I was very nervous to assemble my own. Julio was patient and explained everything to me, and I was very appreciative of his kindness – little did I know that that was a kindness that would be extended by the entire skateboarding community.

After buying the board, I realized that I did not have skate shoes with me. I hadn’t brought any Vans because I knew that we would be walking a lot and my feet need more support than they offer. So I and some others braved our way to La Ramblas to the Vans store. I got my Vans and then noped out of La Rambla. I value my cell phone too much.

Then we went Catamaran sailing. It was a beautiful, scenic day – absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately for me,  I got motion sick while in the bathroom, and had a very uncomfortable time. As soon as the boat docked I had to sprint to a nearby restroom.

That being said – I had a very pleasant conversation with the saxophonist on the boat.

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