On Friday May 5th it was a fairly relaxing day. Earlier that day me a few of our flat mates wanted to walk around and explore Barcelona for a bit before out Catamaran sailing trip planned in the evening. While we were walking around, we found this skate shop called Pet Store. In this shop you could build and customize a skateboard to however you wanted it. The shop owner was very open and welcoming and helped my flat mate get a skateboard he was interested in. I also thought about buying a skateboard then but I wanted to wait and see what else Barcelona has to offer. The area the skate shop was in was like walking back in the early 2000’s. There was graffiti everywhere, A bunch of people skating and their cloths where also very reminiscent from that skater 2000 era.

After we returned from the skateboarding shop, we had to leave for the Catamaran sailing trip. Once we got to the location to meet up for the catamaran sailing, we had to put on our matching Point Park shirts and take a picture in front of the boat. When we got onto the boat they started playing live jazz music. This really set the mood for a good time on the boat. They had a bar and they drove us through all of the scenic routes out on the water. This has been one of my favorite boat rides that I have been on in a while.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain