Hi Everyone,

I woke up feeling really sick on this day so I didn’t go to the museum visit. I’m into art and took an art history class so normally I really like going to those types of things. While I didn’t feel well enough to go to the museum that day, I did feel okay enough to go to Castellers or “people stacking.”

To begin, it was about a 15-minute commute by metro and foot to get to the building. Once we got there we sat through a presentation about the history of Castellers and the cultural significance they have in Catalonia. It was at this point that I started to feel terrible again so I was drifting in and out of the presentation trying to preserve myself.

After the presentation, we got to watch the Castellers practice and it was definitely something. It was very impressive and cool but I can’t say that that is something I would ever do or want to do. It is very important to them and so I think it’s special and I’m glad I got to see it in person. I also took a video for my mom just so she could see too! By the time we watched them stack I wasn’t feeling amazing so I was ready to just go back home!

Talk soon,


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