The business visit with Benjamin Cunningham was very very informative. I’m not in the world of journalism at all. I’m not usually the one that always goes out seeking the story, I’m more so the one people use to tell the story with. So it was quite interesting to see that different way of thinking. Cunningham’s story was truly fascinating and it was really cool to see an American who has decided to make a life for himself here in Spain rather than returning to America. I tend to wonder since being here, just what it would be like to leave home and decide to build a life in a whole different country. I know my mom would love it because then she’d have a reason to travel all the time! My other family members and girlfriend would probably not enjoy it that much though haha!

It was also cool to learn that not only is he a journalist, but also an author. His book “The Liar: How a double agent in the CIA became the Cold Wars last honest man.” seems to be a very interesting story and I’d love to possibly learn more at some point in the future. I really loved this one thing he said when we were asking him what the differences are in his field from the US and Spain. He said “When you think you know. You don’t!”, and I really found that to be very thought provoking. I feel like that can be used in any aspect of life. For example, in relation to me being an actor, I may think I truly know a character, how how someone acts, but I may not at the same time. I feel that it allows people to constantly want to be learning more and allows them to strive to broaden their minds.

Next up was the Tapas Cooking Class, and boy oh boy was that so fun. I like to consider myself a chef; I cook constantly at home and rarely eat out. So this class was so much fun to me. I’m also so incredibly glad that I got to be the Calamari group. One of my favorite appetizers (now tapa) is calamari, and to learn how to make it made me so excited. I’m actually planning on going home and having a whole tapas night for friends and family. I loved how fun and knowledgable the chef who helped us was too, it really made the whole experience incredibly easy to navigate.

Cutting up the squid was a little bit of a challenge due to the fact it’s all slimy and wet, but once it was cut it was nice and quick. Another part I really enjoyed was getting to try everyones different tapas. Having a big table with everything on the table was super fun and very aesthetic. It was a beautiful arrangement and I’m very grateful to have gotten to be a part of it. I’m also really happy that we got sent the recipes so that it will make it easier to make at home. Surprisingly Calamari is not that difficult! I had a blast this day and was very happy to have gotten to experience all of this.

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