Tossa De Mar.

Tossa Tossa Tossa… Did I say Tossa  One day out of our long free weekend, Me and some roommates went to Tossa to enjoy some warm air, relax on the beach, see some beautiful views and eat some good food… This did not exactly happen. It was a cold, cloudy Read more…

Are You Ready For This.

I have been craving Tacos for a little while now, Not your everyday Taco Bell kind of taco but a real authentic one. So I finally had some free time to do some research to find a taco place. In the midst of my research for tacos, LA TAQUERIA popped Read more…

Eat My Trip.

Eat My Trip!   In America, Brunch time is a very essential meal time ( especially on weekends) specialty pancakes, French toast, and who can forget the bubbly mimosa on the side that completes it all. Can it get any better than that! Well here in Barcelona, The natives take Read more…