Art and Architecture 

History and Importance of Spain 



Brief History Of Spain 

Spain, a country in Southwestern Europe, located in the Iberian Peninsula (along with Portugal), has a rich history and culture. Spain is surrounded by the Mediterranean and Atlantic Seas. From humans settling, to the Roman Conquest, the fall of the Western Empire, and the discovery of America, Spanish history is varied in topic. 

In 1100 BCE, the Phoenicians begin to settle in Spain, and then in 900 BCE, the Celtics settle in the north. Along with the Phoenicians and Celtics, the Moors also settle in Spain in 711 ACE. In 218 BCE, the Second Punic War was fought between Carthage and Rome (as was the first). The first war was fought mainly in Sicily and at sea. The Romans won all three Punic Wars, and in 19 BCE Spain was ruled by the Roman Empire. 

Many wars were fought in Spain, kingdoms were formed and conquered. A few well known explorers are from Spain, and they discover and conquer parts of the world. Artists are born and begin to create their art, and noticeably; Antoni Gaudi begins to build the Sagrada Familia church in 1883. The church is located in Barcelona, Spain and is still being built. 

Brief History of Catalonia

Catalonia is a region of Spain bordered by France and Andorra (one of the smallest states in Europe), and the Mediterranean Sea is to the east of Catalonia. Catalonia’s capital is Barcelona. Catalonia, as a whole, has a lot of shorelines from the Mediterranean, which also leads to a dry summer and rainy winter. 

Catalonia was one of Rome’s first possessions in PSain. It was taken by the Moors in 712 ACE. Catalonia had a part during Spanish affairs, revolted against Spain in 1640, and supported the archduke Charles during the Spanish Succession. In the 1850s, Catalonia made serious efforts to become separated from Spain. Limited autonomy, or self-government, was finally granted to Catalonia in 1977, and in 1979, full autonomy was granted to Catalonia. In 2006, Catalonia was granted “nation” status, but it was shot down in 2010. 


Spanish Architecture 

Spanish architecture has a long history and has been prominent for centuries. There are a few main types of architecture you can find in Spain. Pre-Romanesque Architecture  is primarily Christian-influenced and Celtic-influenced structures before the Roman Conquest. Romanesque Architecture is Roman influenced during the Roman Conquest. Mudéjar-Style Architecture was influenced by a mixture of Christian and Islamic structures built by the Moors who remained in Spain. Gothic Architecture is a combination of European and Romanesque style structures. This style of architecture flourished during the thirteenth century. 

Cistercian Architecture emerged between the Romanesque and Gothic periods. This style of architecture has little decoration and is found in rural or remote areas. Renaissance-Style Architecture is very similar to Gothic Architecture. It was altered and changed to fit into the Renaissance period. Baroque Architecture had Italian influences as well as the French Roco style. Neoclassical Architecture, like other forms, came from Italy, but have a Roman influence. 

Modernism Architecture is a mixture of earlier forms of Spanish Architecture. It’s added materials like iron and glass.

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