Hello Barcelona!!

You are very hot literally! 🔥 Got to the airport and waited what felt like an eternity to get through customs. NO AC, I felt like being sick but pulled through and made  friends with a couple who helped me off the plane and talked to them for a bit in line there here in Barcelona to go hiking! 🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️ I got there insta. Off to the apartments we met our CEA guide NONA very sweet told me 2 places to go to get tattoos. We arrived at our apartment the “girls apartment.” I am rooming with Erin and dorming with Shannon, Baylee, Tatum, and Tia. Nona said we could not sleep until at least 9 pm! that was a struggle. She went over house rules and left. We all got settled in and unpacked my room has a balcony  in it with a street view. the other 6 girls are right across from us in the other apartment, in my opinion so much prettier! Went for lunch with Tia, Shannon, Erin, and Baylee. we got pizza then went exploring to CEA office after that got turned around and walked for bout 3 hours. Went down an alley way saw a cute crystal shop and witnesses a fight with 2 guys beating one guy. Left the alley way and followed Erins directions back to the apartment. Tia and I got another slice of pizza, followed Baylee’s directions and made it back to the apartment. Had a small power nap. Later got Popeyes.  Found an Aldi vloged about our grocery shopping and went back to the apartment chilled and went to bed FINALLY  9PM. Felt like forever. Woke up to my phone going off in the living room was my boss from work like 3am here 4pm there ugh, got off the phone and called my mom updated her for a bit couldn’t sleep watched Netflix and passed the hell out…

Night 💤 😴

Categories: BarcelonaSpain