

Today was much better than yesterday. When we started pulling into the city of Girona, I was a little concerned, as it did not seem much different from Barcelona, but I was thoroughly impressed. 


We started with a walking tour of the city, which was much bigger than I thought. I really liked seeing the castle. I have never seen Game of Thrones, but I guess that this spot was very special and the show filmed some scenes there. I really liked the overlook from the top of the castle. Girona was also having their festival of flowers, so all the main steps down were covered in flowers. It was so beautiful. I also loved the butterfly flower displays. I think flower art is so underrated. 


When we finished the tour, we stopped in front of an ice cream place. I knew something was up, as when I was preparing for the trip I had to show my mom how to use Gmail and there were emails to Robin, but I was still a little surprised. I am very grateful that my parents wanted to do something special, even though my birthday is in two days, and the birthday cake headband was super cute. I will wait until my birthday to open the card however.


After some lunch, we took off for the Salvador Dali museum, which I was so excited for. I have learned so much about Dali and his impact on not only the Spanish art community but the entire art community as a whole. I knew that his most iconic painting and my favorite, The Persistence of Memory (the one with the melting clocks), was not at this museum, but I was still very excited. I was a little disappointed in the lack of display, but I really like the setup of the museum. It was an old theater, and the round center filled with the Oscars statues were pretty neat. I also thought the rain inside the car was interesting. The museum was more of an experience I would say, as there were even holograms, but I had a great time overall. I also got a melting clock stuffed animal, which I will be sleeping with every night from now on. 

Happy early birthday to me,

Erin 🙂