This morning we had to meet at 10:45 a.m to head to the Modernism Museum, which thankfully wasn’t too far from our apartment. I made sure to get up early enough to give myself time to get coffee and a snack before our museum visit.

We arrived at the museum and it wasn’t open yet, but shortly after our guide met up with us and got us into the museum. Our guide is a professor for CEA and was very passionate and knowledgeable about the artwork, but it felt like I should have been sitting in a lecture hall. The artwork was not my favorite to look at, and there was a lot of old furniture in the museum as well. As you can imagine, it wasn’t the easiest to stay focused. There was one painting of four women that stood out because of the ornate colors and brush strokes.

We then had a fairly long break until our lecture that evening, so I headed to Aldi to pick up some groceries. I had a great time at Aldi because there were more options than the ones I’ve been to at home. I then spent a good portion of the afternoon getting caught up on my blog posts.

We had a lecture with Marta Salicru who works for Radio Primavera Sound. It was really interesting listening to her talk about the company and how they are growing in many ways, whether in their media presence, the talent they have, or the types of shows offered. She also talked about Primavera Sound the large music festival they host in Barcelona and Madrid every summer. It sounds like it’s a lot of fun and they bring in a lot of big-name artists. I enjoy sitting in on our lectures, but once again some of the information went right over my head.

After a short break, we met back up to head to the Castellers training. We went to their official building where they hold practices and information sessions. We started off with a brief presentation about the history of people stacking and a little bit about how it is executed. We then went outside to where they practiced many different types of towers. We saw them assemble three different times. I loved seeing how it was often a family affair and many generations of a family were present and part of different levels of the tower.

I finished the night with a late dinner of tapas and sangria, which is becoming quite common for me. We had a mix of our favorite dishes and then headed home to relax and get to bed. It was definitely a busy day, but it went by fairly quickly.

Categories: BarcelonaLectureSpain