So far, one of the highlights of this trip has been the TAPAS! I have come to the realization that I definitely prefer eating small, sharable portions with more variety, so Spain is the perfect place for me. For this reason, I was really looking forward to the tapas cooking class, and it did not disappoint! We walked just a few blocks to this incredible supermarket, where behind the shopping center, was debatably the most beautiful kitchen I have ever seen. I already enjoy cooking, but I would definitely choose to cook every meal for myself if I had a kitchen like that one! I don’t think I would even mind doing the dishes.



We started with a quick introduction to the historical context of tapas, which were actually to benefit the health of the king. While I personally feel that the meals lack a small serving of fruits or vegetables, I am not complaining! The idea of tapas is to share several small plates, which I have actually found quite enjoyable with all of my friends. With a little context, we were ready to hop right into the workshop!




We were separated into six separate groups, each with a different tapas dish to prepare. None of the instructions had very specific measurements, which I actually found useful, for it will make the recipes much easier to take home with me. I worked with Katie, Sabrina, and Jessie and we made the classic Spanish dish, gazpacho. The recipe was actually quite simple, just required a good amount of prep work. We took turns cutting up all of the tomatoes, one pepper, one onion, and 1/2 of a cucumber. This actually wasn’t too hard, for all of the ingredients go into a blender, so they do not need to be chopped to finely. Once all of the chopping was finished, everything went into the blender and was turned into a thick soup-like liquid. We explained to the chef that we all like raw garlic, so he kindly let us add some to our gazpacho. Once blended, we put the mixture through a strainer, added olive oil, vinegar, and salt to taste, and served right up! The chef told us our gazpacho was the perfect color, though it is often advertised to be much redder in shows and movies.


While the cooking was fun, the best part was definitely getting to try everyone’s creations. After a quick presentation, we got to tasting. I tried many dishes that I have never had before, such as a stuffed pepper with cream cheese and a boiled egg filled with tuna – Both were so good! I also loved the classic pan de tomate with all of the Spanish meats and cheeses. I was quite happy with the way our gazpacho turned out as well. We sipped it out of small cups, though I bet it would’ve been even better with bread dipped in! Overall, it was a super educational and interactive way to learn about some Spanish culture and try some incredible food. I am definitely taking these recipes home with me!