Today was the day we went to Sagrada Familia Visit & Park Güell. 

Before the time we had to meet we went to go get açaí bowls and had a quick stop to Zara again. i got a coco bowl and an iced chai latte. Both things were very good! 

After that it was time to head down to the train. We took that to Sagrada Familia. Once we got there we were shocked. We headed to meet up with the group so we could enter together. Once we all went in together it was a beautiful site to see. I learned more about the way it was built and how it had changed over time. 

After we finished the tour at La Sagrada Familia we headed to the bus that would take us to Park Güell. The ride was short but we learned more about it on the way there. 

Once we got there we entered and it was very nice! I enjoyed it. I found it crazy that there is a public school still located in the park. I would have loved to have gone to school there. 

After that visit the bus took us back to the apartments. We rested at the apartment before we decided to go to dinner. Like always we got Tapas. Today we got potato’s pravas, calamari, tomato with bread, and cold cut meats. 

After that we all sat around just working on school work for the rest of the night!

Categories: BarcelonaSpain