Albert at the Vineyard 🍷and Sitges 🌊,

Morning, let me tell you I don’t like mornings and we had to be up early for this excursion. 9am to 7pm a long day. Woke up made some eggs and toast and got ready. Everyone left and we met Robin at the location. Got on the bus sat next to Erin and off we were for the vineyard. One hour later and we were at the vineyard! We got off and met our tour guide Albert. Went walking throughout the vineyard and our hilarious guide Albert explained how they make the wine and grow the grapes. They have an old version where the grape bushes are round and the new version of the grapes that are thin and long so a machine can shake the grapes off instead of humans picking them. Albert said they have hybrid bushes because a disease came through that the Americans brought unknowingly so they grafted the old grape tree with the new to fend off the disease. Albert took us through the vineyard and showed us how they bottle the wine and showed us the yeast inside the bottles, he also showed us how they removed the yeast with a machine and in the old days they would pick certain people to remove the yeast by hand. After we had a picnic with meats, cheeses, danish, and of course the wine. Each of us had the opportunity to try the wine with what Spain use that is called a Porron. the Porron originated in Catalonia. It was fun to use. After we were done I bought 2 bottles of wine to take home and drink. I got a picture with Albert and Shannon and we got on the bus to go to our next excursion Sitges.


On the bus i was trying to find Airbnb to spend the night in Sitges. It was the weekend and we were aloud to spend the night instead of going back to Barcalona. I talked to  Baylee and Tia and they were staying in an Airbnb, so I talked to Shannon and her and I were splitting a hotel at Hotel Subur found this hotel while talking to Nona on our tour. We arrived at Sitges and got off the bus. The view was beautiful the beach the stores and ocean. I love the ocean. Our tour guide arrived and we were off. Our first stop was a statue of 2 hands and the tour guide described what it ment. Then we went into the Sitges. Up the thin paths through the shops and the tour guide stopped us at different places telling us the history. The tour ended by the beach and we were off on our own till 430pm. Shannon and I joined Tia, Baylee, Hannah, Rylie, and Erin and walked to couple different shops. I bought a keychain at the first stop. We all stopped for Gelato. Went to another store were everyone ended up getting something Baylee bought this cute orange bikini. I saw something and Shannon and i stayed while the others broke off. I bought the outfit and Shannon and I went walking a bit more bumped into the others and walked back to the playground/restaurant where the meeting spot was. We waited and went on the swing and little bouncy thing i took a picture of Erin. Nona arrived and everyone else we walked back to the bus. I grabbed my stuff and Shannon and I went back to the beach to go check into our hotel. while others did the same to check into their Airbnb’s.  Almost didn’t get the hotel because Shannon did not have her passport but the man ket her send a copy to the hotels email so we checked in to room 112. Sadly the window was of brick and plants. I texted Joey and Gavin and to see if they would want to meet up later and he said possibly. Shannon and I went out shopping for her to get a bikini so Shannon could go on the beach. We found her one and we found bracelets to match with Tatum. Who sadly did not stay and went back to Barcalona. I found a cute sign for my brother that had a fox on it and we went back to the hotel changed and went on the beach for a bit. The sun was setting so I did not go in the water Shannon did. A man came up to me then Shannon and did a card trick he was from Mexico. After we went back rested for a bit and went walking because a festival was going on. I didn’t understand the music because it was I Spanish but it was still cool to see. Shannon snd i got teriyaki noodles which were terrible and some potatoes and walked around more. Went to 2 bars and called it a night.


Categories: BarcelonaSitgesSpain