Hi Everyone,

Yesterday we all did a tapas cooking class! Tapas are “small meals” almost like appetizers and they’re many different kinds of them. In our class, we split into individual groups and all cooked different foods before coming together and trying all of them. My group made a Spanish Omelette that was very similar to what my mom makes at home and calls a “one skillet mess.” The one we made today consisted of eggs, potato chips, and onion! The chef says you can make it two ways: runny or drier.

To be honest, I didn’t really have a great time doing this. It started off as fun but once we started going it became very stressful and the chef was very harsh with our group. We didn’t do the best job at cooking the eggs and he became really rude and disrespectful. He was making fun of our cooking abilities and the food we made while everyone else stood around and laughed. That ruined the experience for me as I really don’t like feeling humiliated and that’s exactly how I felt.

Once we taste-tested the food, everyone did a really great job! My favorite thing I tried was the cold tomato soup the girls made. I’m normally not a tomato soup person but it didn’t even taste like tomato soup to me! Everyone’s food tasted great but I wasn’t really into ours.

At the end of the class, the chef did come over and apologize to us for being so harsh which I did appreciate but kind of felt like too little, too late. We were the only group he turned into Gordon Ramsey while working with and so no one else really understood how we were feeling. Because of how we were treated and how everyone was laughing, it ruined my time at the cooking class. I now have a few recipes to take back home and to try to make on my own!

That’s all for now! We’ll talk again soon!



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