Today we took an incredible tapas cooking class at Veritas! The class itself was in a beautiful kitchen toward the rear end of a supermarket.

After a brief introduction on the history of tapas by our teacher Yohad, we got to cooking.

Each group was in charge of preparing a different tapa and my group had gazpacho which is a cold tomato soup. Every ingredient we used although fresh from the market today was something that would commonly be found in just about any grocery store.

We began by chopping up our tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers into small pieces and after some convincing we were able to add some garlic as well. Apparently, past cooking groups added too much garlic and ruined the whole dish so we only added a touch.

Following our slicing we put all of our veggies into a food processor to get them nice and blended. Once we had all of our ingredients finely pureed into a baby food texture we put it through a strainer by making a motion similar to creating fire. Next, we added some olive oil, salt, and vinegar and stirred it all together. Following this we poured the fresh gazpacho into cute, small red cups perfect for serving.

Each group presented their dish separately explaining how they made their wonderful creation. After this we got to taste everyone’s dish. Can’t complain about a free dinner! Though my group made the gazpacho, my favorite dish had to be the fried calamari and squid.

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