I am so full of happiness and knowledge of grapes after our lovely tour of a vineyard called Cellar Eudald Massana today! I had little knowledge of wine prior to this excursion so I was eager to soak up as much information as I could.

I was saddened to hear the vineyards here in Spain were thriving until a grape plant was brought over from America containing an invasive insect that devastated all but three of them. Thankfully, a solution was found with the creation of the graph. By cutting off the root of the American plant, which was immune to this insect and placing the European root on top of this vineyards here were able to once again flourish. I was also surprised at how little water grape plants need to survive!

The guides gave us a lovely spread of meats, cheeses, and of course wine at the end of our tour. We each took turns drinking out of something called a porron which our guide said is the only way his parents will drink their wine.

We continued our day with a beautiful day trip in Sitges Barcelona. When I say “beautiful” I mean it only rains 6 days out of the year there. After our walking tour I was able to get some incredible strawberry gelato and if you know me at all this is one of my favorite treats. This had to be my favorite day so far here and Spain and I can’t wait for many more!

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