What an awesome weekend! First I’ll start with the winery. Holy cow! I’ve never been on a tour like this before so learning all the ins and outs on what the process for wine making is super interesting! While I know some of the process, I didn’t realize how much goes into it! The winery we visited bottles around 130,000 bottles a year, or about 3,000 a day! We walked around the vineyard and saw a lot of the plants getting ready for their picking dates after the summer is over!

One of the more interesting facts I learned was how stye fought off pests that would kill the plants. They would use roots from the United States and combine them with parts from the plants here and plant them. The pests would not get into them resulting and being able to grow to their full potential and create great grapes for some incredible wine!

After the vineyard visit we visited the lovely town of Sitges! Holy moly, Sitges is gorgeous! First off we got there and got an incredible tour of the town. The sights around town were incredible, we saw a replica of a cannon that was used as defensive measures against attackers.

With our first weekend in the books a few of us stayed in Sitges to explore the town a little bit more on our own! We explored the town to try some more food options, and luckily were there for a concert! While we didn’t know what they were saying, the music seemed pretty good and all of the locals seemed to enjoy it. After we checked out of our airbnb the following morning, Sunday was our beach day! The sun was beaming, the Mediterranean was very cold, and the food was tasty!

Once we all got our bags situated, and food digested, the rest of the group got together and hopped on the train! While it seemed like a lot, getting tickets and made it back to Barcelona!

Never change Sitges, you’re too good!

Categories: SitgesSpain