Hi friends!

This morning we had to get up and moving so we could meet the bus to ride out to Cellar Eudald Massana, the winery we were touring. The bus ride wasn’t too long and it was nice to see some of the Spanish countryside. When we arrived, we were greeted by Albert, one of the winemakers at the winery. He gave us a great tour of the vineyard and cellars.

Albert talked a lot about cava, the Spanish term for Champagne or sparkling wine. The Penedes wine region, in which the winery is located, is known for its production of the three main grapes used in cava. Growing up in the wine country of California I am always surrounded by wine and how it’s made, but I really enjoyed learning how sparkling wine is made especially from the winemaker himself.

After our tour, we enjoyed two varieties of their wine but we had to drink it with a porron. A porron is a decanter that holds the whole bottle of wine and you pour it right into your mouth. Along with our wine, we got to enjoy some local tapas. After we ate it was time to get back on the bus and head to Sitges.

Sitges is a beautiful beach town! The small winding streets filled with local restaurants, bars, and shops made it feel welcoming. There is so much history in this small town and it was so interesting to learn about while taking in the views. Jonah, Joey, Gavin, and I decided we were going to stay the night in Sitges and booked an Airbnb for the four of us. We did a bit more exploring along the coast and made a trip to the beach. Stay tuned for more info about our fun night in Sitges!

Categories: SitgesSpain