The days are just packed here in Barcelona. We woke up bright and early to take a bus to the beautiful wine country. We visited a local business out in the wilderness of Spain, and then we made a clean break for Sitges.

Sitges is a coastal beach town close to Barcelona, and it is nothing short of magnificent. We embarked on a walking tour to explore some of the history of the city, including its artists and some of the various festivals they have in the city. They plant flowers in the street, have a carnival and a film festival every year. They are very much a vacation hub.

Once we got back to Barcelona, we grabbed a bite and then walked around the city, exploring some of the different shops nearby. One shop in particular was fascinating. We stopped in this record store called TVinyl. It was a record store that specifically focused on dance music curated by the owner of the shop himself. He specifically sells music of his and his friends.  He also DJs at various clubs around Barcelona. He had a lot of interesting insight to the club scene of Barcelona. Most clubs here feature a different artist every night, often completely changing the vibe of the club overnight. This keeps people coming back. At the same time there is also a lot of money and planning that goes into this, so a night that is a dud results in the loss of quite a bit of cash.

The rest of the night was spent relaxing with some of the other boys. A great day overall.

                          Microwave “Santeria” (Sublime Cover)           



Categories: BarcelonaSitges