On our first Friday here in Barcelona we went on a catamaran boat sailing through the Mediterranean sea. This was a great experience. We had taken a short ride from our apartments to Port Vell where the catamaran boat picked us up. The location of Port Vell is filled with people, restaurants, boats, landscaping, and shops which add diversity to the area. I loved this most about this part of the city. Though Barcelona is filled with thousands of years of history, it has also evolved into a modern buzzing city.

The Catamaran boat had four nets, with two on each side of the boat. My classmates and I sat on the front net where we laid out and enjoyed the sun and took in the Catalonian coastline that featured beautiful views of the city, gondolas over the ocean, and of course the gorgeous sea. We also passed a port of all different cruise ships.

At first the sun was beaming, I even got some color! However, once the sail went up it became freezing! Me and my classmates were shivering over the mediterranean! The boat had a live band with music…a guitar, saxophone, and even a harmonica. One of the songs played was L-O-V-E (L Is For The Way You Look At Me) by Frank Sinatra. As this is one of my favorite songs I really took in this moment! I felt extremely grateful for this experience, being on the mediterranean sea with my best friends!


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