On Friday, we went Catamaran sailing which I had been looking forward to. The night before some of the girls and I had taken the train to the area of thewater where we met up for the boat and it was such a beautiful place to be! Once I found out that we would be meeting up in the same place, I was really excited to go!

We got sort of held-up on the way to the area as we had to take the train and it was a little slow. Once we finally got there, and not the latest of all of the groups may I add, we then learned we were actually 30 minutes early and had time to relax and take our group picture.

After we boarded the boat, all of my friends and I went to the front of the boat to lay on the nets. It was 8 people to one net so we had filled up multiple nets. While it was so beautiful out, it was quite cold. If you were in the sun you were fine but the second you were in the shade it was freezing!

Once the boat had taken off, Joey revealed that we were on his boat and pointed out a yacht and its crew members who actually happened to be his?? Crazy! I tried to lay out in my bikini top and jean shorts for as long as I could to get some color in me but eventually, it got too cold. The lower temperature of being on the water on top of the wind from everything made the boat a significantly colder experience than I had been anticipating.

I got some really cute pictures with my friends (attached) and used those pictures to post the first set of my #SpainPPU photos on my personal account. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience, and although cold, ended up being a lot of fun!




Categories: Barcelona