Started this day off by heading over to the Mercat (market) de Sant Antoni. It was this huge building with a layout like an X. Down each corridor had different food vendors selling fresh products. There were whole legs where they would cut the meat right off of it for you.

You could smell the fresh fish that had just been brought in or the big piles of fruits and vegetables. The food vendors were along the middle while on the outside were vendors selling clothing, jewelry, and other little trinkets.

The group I went with ended up buying some fresh ground coffee, bread, and ham. On our way back to the apartment we stopped at a new location to try coffee, I got an americano. Next, we found a local skate shop that talked about the local punk and alternative scene in Barcelona.

Our big excursion today was catamaran sailing. We all met up in rambles and walked to the docks. The sailing lasted an hour and a half with live jazz music being performed. There was a net you could lay out on and get some sun and a bar you could order mixed drinks at. This trip really showed me the scope of how big the city was. We went pretty far out into the water and we could really get a good view of the city.

After sailing, I stopped at a higher-end mall that was on the docks. For dinner, we went out for sushi at Can Kenji. I really wanted to try sushi because of how fresh everything is here and it didn’t disappoint. It was by far the best sushi I ever had. And that’s about it.

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