I woke up and stopped over at the same coffee place I went to yesterday when we all flew in. They don’t really speak English and I don’t really speak Catalan but we were able to manage with me getting my coffee and donut

Afterward we went to the CEA building for our orientation. They went through a slideshow of some notable differences we might see while being here such as no tipping, women being topless at the beach, and how they greet with kissing each other cheeks. The big thing was the pickpocketing that goes on and how the Rambles and touristy areas are the worst.

Next, we head over to the Rambles for a meal. They ordered a variety of Tapas (like an appetizer) for us all to try. We were informed that you don’t really transfer any of the tapas to your plate, you just leave them all in the middle and eat from there. Water is also not free, they won’t automatically give it to you.

I had a bunch of stuff. The calamari was really good. For my main dish, I got tuna with peppers. There are also Bravas (potatoes with this really good sauce on top). Just a lot of food. I can see that Barcelona is a big food and shopping city. There are so many stores.

After we ate we went on a walking tour. Starting again through the rambles. You had people with clipboards trying to sell you stuff, dudes with balls on strings bouncing them at people’s feet, and guys acting like they were on phone calls.

We weaved through these walkable alleys seeing all this really cool architecture. The lighting was so good I got a lot of really good photos. After the tour, I stopped in a few camera stores that had literally everything. I also stopped in one of the clothing stores where I realized clothing is cheaper here.

For dinner, I went out for pizza at a place called L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele Barcelona. The waiter informed us it was national pizza week and gave us free alcoholic drinks and some calzones. We ended up getting three pizzas which were all good. All the food here has been good so far. And that’s about it.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain