WOW! What day we had! After a long, and I mean longggggggg night, I got to sleep in a lot since we did not have to meet for out bout tour until 4. Luckily I got a lot of sleep in preparation for our sunny adventure on the water! I thought the boat ride was going to me more touristy with voice overs on what all we were around or any specific historical facts. Luckily the ride was just a nice coast along the water with some nice jazz from workers on the boat. There was a little bar with some yummy drinks, and it was all around a great boat ride. The sun was out, the weather wasn’t terrible, I had a great time!

Once we got off the boat there were these little huts or carts, whatever you want to call them that were selling crepes and hotdogs. None of us had really eaten anything so the first thing we wanted to do was get a hot dog. Oh My GOSH were they incredible! Hands down one of the best hot dogs I’ve ever had! The ketchup, the mayo, fried onions, the bunnnnnn. Incredible just amazing! Some of us decided to walk back from the boat because it wasn’t too far of a walk and got Burritos from a place called Burrito to celebrate Cinco De Mayo! The place and the food really gave off chipotle vibes and it was quite tasty. Other than the burrito there hasn’t been much going on in our abode! Taking it super easy tonight in prep for out Sitges trip!!! CAN’T WAIT!

Categories: BarcelonaSpain