Day 2 (or technically 3) was great! We went catamaran sailing! Most of the students and I sat on the net area, got some sun, and absorbed the beautiful Catalonian coastline. It was really warm out, so the breeze out on the sea was refreshing. I got to take lots of photos while out there, and there was live jazz music while we sailed around! It was extremely relaxing, and if I was not so captivated by all of the sights, It would have been the best nap ever.

We were out on the water for around an hour and a half, and I loved every second of it. I also did not get sea sick! It was great taking photos with everyone in the class and laying out on the net. It did get slightly cold when the sail went up and we were left in the shade, but I brought a jacket with me. The live band was super friendly, and the songs they played were really good. Towards the end, the one gentleman played the harmonica, and honestly you can’t go wrong with some good harmonica. I am also a lot more confident in speaking Spanish, specifically when in busy areas. Just saying “pardon me,” or “On the right,” is really helpful when getting through crowded spaces.

We ended the day with some Barcelona hot dogs, which had ketchup, mayo, mustard, and fried onions. It was one of the best hot dogs I have ever had. Then we got burritos, which were amazing.

Goodbye for now Barcelona Buddies, Enjoy some of the photos I took while on the boat!

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