What an eventful and incredibly fun first day here in Barcelona, Spain. I had an absolute blast the first day and I’m excited to see what the next day brings. It was definitely a day where I learned a bunch whilst having fun. We started the day walking to CEA to learn about some overview stuff regarding the program and the city. I found it to be quite easy to find (because I went there the day before) and it luckily wasn’t to much on my foot. The offices are incredibly nice and so were the people. We learned about some important safety tips, for around the city. And just more information about CEA.

After the beginning meeting, we went out and got to try a bunch of Tapas at an authentic Spanish restaurant! We tried around 5 different kinds of tapas. My favorite were the shrimp scampi and the patatas bravas. After we had tapas we got a main dish and then a dessert. This was the first time I had creme brûlée and boy was it delicious. It was super cool to break the top of the pudding, I finally got to live my dream of making a breaking the top of creme brûlée video! After this amazing meal we got to go on the tour of the city, which was one of my favorite parts of the day!

The walking tour was awesome, I found I to be so incredibly interesting. I love history so getting to hear a bunch of it in the actually places you learn about it in school was literally mind blowing. I found the only roman pillars left in the city to be fascinating. I love the history of the Greeks and Romans and to see that for myself was truly an incredible experience. I mean I’m an actor for goodness sake, these people created Theatre!! It was so cool to stand in areas that at one point so many people in history stood.

After we got done with the tour we got to go off on our own. I got to take my foot out of my boot which was super freeing, and it surprisingly wasn’t sore! Oh yea, and I wasn’t really even fighting jet lag all that much! I felt really rested and ready to take on the day. I’m incredibly excited to see the places that we go next, and I can’t wait to learn more about this awesome city!


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