Hi friends!

My morning started with the ring of our doorbell. With the confusion of many sounds and realizing I slept in until 10:30, I realized CEA maintenance was here to fix our leaky toilet. We took it slow this morning, as we had no set plans until the evening. We went to get coffee and took a stroll through La Boqueria, a local market off of Las Ramblas.

La Boqueria was beautiful and I loved seeing all the fresh produce. The meat stands were a little off-putting because there were so many pig legs hanging and you could smell the skin, but I can imagine it tastes delicious! I was shocked by the amount of bars there were inside the market. I really like the idea of having tapas and picking up fresh groceries. Later that evening we had our catamaran sailing trip. The weather was beautiful and clear and

made for lovely city views. We were able to sit on the nets at the front of the boat and take in all the beautiful sites and fresh air. Boats make me a bit nervous so once I was settled in my spot I wasn’t planning on moving around much. There were a few jazz musicians accompanying our sail which made it a relaxing and enjoyabletime, despite the chilly wind.

After we docked, a small group of us enjoyed “the best hot dog in Barcelona”, and they were delicious. Definitely will try to recreate the hot dog at home. We decided to walk back and picked up a quick meal on the way home so we could rest up for our trip to Sitges!


Categories: BarcelonaSpain