Rough start,

Got up and had to be at CEA office at 1130am. Our appliances stopped working over night couldn’t figure out why. Erin found the breaker and got them to work. I tried to make bacon 🥓 in the microwave did not end well had to throw out . Just ate a banana for the morning. Got to CEA office 5min to spare. Had the very boring lecture and went to lunch. Which apparently is a full course meal instead of just lunch. Tried raw tuna 🍣 not my fav 😖 did not have the squid 🦑 wanted to be sick from the smell of it when they brought it out. After lunch we went on a walking tour for bought 2hrs. Took some vlogs and saw a violinists performing in the street. After the tour was over walked back to the apartments, on our way back saw a square with so many pigeons 🐦. Tia was not a fan so I helped her get around them. Jessie ended up holding one and feeding it cool. Got back chilled for a bit then Baylee, Erin, Tatum, and I went out to the restaurant next door to the apartment. Also went to another restaurant near by. (Tia and Shannon were trying to get their phones situated in the mean time while I was out and about.) Came back with food for Tatum and Shannon. Chilled with everyone and played Cards Against humanity Shannon Won 🏆. After that nothing and went to bed.

Night 💤😴

Categories: BarcelonaSpain