Today has been our first full day in Barcelona! We arrived yesterday, May 3rd, around nine A.M. Once we got through customs and left the airport we took a bus to our apartments. As my roommates and I tried to fight off jet lag we walked around the city center of Barcelona. We then went to lunch at Bar Estudiantil. This restaurant was great and the service was fun! Later on, we went to dinner at La Flauta. This restaurant was amazing. We had asked the server to pick out a couple of his favorite Tapas and dessert. After dinner we headed home and since we had been up for almost thirty six hours I was able to fall right asleep.

This morning we started off our day at CEA orientation, we then went to the restaurant “La Lluna”  for lunch, and lastly went on a walking tour of Las Ramblas. At La Lluna we had multiple tapas…patatas bravas estilo (homemade fried potato wedges), calamares en tempura con mayonesa de citricos (squid in tempura with citrus mayonnaise), gambas al ajillo (shrimp scampi), brocheta de mini mozzarella, tomate y pesto de tomate seco (skewers of mini mozarella with sun dried tomato pesto), and pan de coca con tomate y aciete de oliva (bread with tomato and olive oil). We then chose a main course where I got fideua de sepia con all i oli suave, mekillon y aceite de gamba (cuttlefish with all i oli soft, mussle and prawn oil). And lastly dessert Catalan cream brulee. Overall, the food was good. I have been open to expanding my food palette and trying new dishes!


After La Lluna we went on a walking tour of Las Ramblas. I really enjoyed this. I thought it was so interesting to learn about the long history that occurred in Barcelona. The history of religion specifically stood out to me. The cathedrals we saw were beautiful and I definitely will be going back on my free time! I have had a great first few days and I am excited for the rest of our trip.

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