Que passa, amigos!

Our second day in Sitges, Arianna and I decided to wake up super early to see the sunrise. Before we left though, we found ants in our room. That was disgusting, so we took a bunch of pictures to show when we told the front counter. The worst part? I had my clothes folded up in the bathroom and when Arianna picked them up, ants fell out. Gross. 

However; we saw the sunset, took a bit of a walk, and took some polaroids. When we got back to our room we got ready for the day, made sure we were all packed up, and checked out of our room. This is where we realized that the ants were a known problem. The people at the desk immediately knew what the problem was. We didn’t have to show any pictures or anything.

We planned to have a beach day, so that’s where we went after our free breakfast. Arianna messaged the others who stayed in Sitges, and we met up with them a little bit later. I spent most of the day in the water, enjoying the day. The others eventually came and joined me before we went to get some food. 

By this point, I had moved on from using Arianna’s sunblock to anyone else’s in the group (Arianna’s was gone). Lunch was empanadas and a watermelon drink. After lunch, we continued to enjoy the beach and the sun until around 4:30 so we could catch the train back to Barcelona. 

I knew, without a doubt, that I was going to get sunburnt. I usually get burnt after ten minutes back home. However; I was not expecting that even with about a bottle and a half of sunscreen, applying multiple times throughout the day, I was going to end up with sun poisoning. I guess it’s part of the experience, but let me tell you; it’s not fun. 

Once we got off the train, Joey looked so shocked at how red I was and commented about it. I figured some aloe, some shade, and I’d be good to go. Not exactly. 

A food and medicine run was in my future, and that’s what Arianna and I did before going back to the apartment. Dinner that night was amazing. Tatum and Arianna went out while I stayed home, starting to feel the pain of the burn all over my back, neck, legs and shoulders. I had Tatum pick me up a spicy ramen bowl at the restaurant they went to called Takumi Ramen and Yakisoba Aribau. Arianna got a basic one, and Tatum got a spicy one as well. By the time they got home, I was so excited to try this ramen. 10/10; one of the best ramen bowls I’ve ever had. 

Categories: Sitges