The last morning waking up in Barcelona was an interesting one. We watched the sun rise from Placa Universitat, which was beautiful, and then we boarded our bus and went to the airport. Once through security, some of the girls played a really fun game called “not paying attention to basic instructions” which is a game I have not played since I was much younger, although it is a classic game. Once their shenanigans were addressed there was luckily enough time to get one last iberico bocadillo, which was absolutely delicious. I’ve used the word delicious to describe a lot of the food that I had while in Barcelona, but that’s really the only was to describe their food – it is delicious.

Then, we boarded the airplane. I slept for the first six and a half hours of the flight and then watched an episode of Better Call Saul. Somewhere in the middle I ate some ice cream. Also, they served dinner at 10 am, which is stupid. No other word for that – it is a stupid thing to do.

After the first flight I ate a philly cheese steak which my body immediately regretted but my soul loved. Then I spent seven dollars on a coffee from starbucks and cursed the existence of america. Then we had a very short airplane ride and then I was home and the journey was over. It was quite the ride.

I hate Philadelphia – it is a very mean spirited place. City of Brotherly Love is an absolute joke.

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