The theater visit was… no MediaPro. While the visit was very interesting, I was somewhat disappointed by how little our guide discussed the communications side of the theater. I was hoping that on a media studies tour that they would be a little more able to discuss media studies. But oh well.

After the theater visit, I skateboarded for a bit. Once again, the skateboarding was immaculate.

Then, some of the gentlemen went to lunch at La Flauta. La Flauta is a mythical place to us because it is the first place we went as a group in Barcelona – and somewhat struggled. This time around we had a perfect run at it, for the most part. I order arroz negro, which was on of the most delicious and interesting things that I have ever eaten in my entire life.

Later, we attended a lecture, and this lecture was very very very informative but the room we were in was very very hot and everyone was clearly very uncomfortable by the heat. I think that it says a lot about society that realistically all we had to do was say “excuse me, it is very hot in here and we are uncomfortable would you please turn the air conditioning on” and then CEA would probably say “oh yeah it is very hot in here we will turn the air conditioning on for you.” But we didn’t. More than anything I think that that says a lot about human beings. Or something.

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