The morning of Girona was a chaotic one. We rushed to the bus and then got on the bus. Eventually, the bus stopped for coffee and pastries. I ordered my coffee and pastry and politely conversed in spanish and got a compliment, so I was feeling good. Then I realized that I left my credit card in Barcelona, and had to awkwardly explain that someone else would be paying for me.

Girona was lovely, absolutely lovely, but as a non Game of Thrones fan I felt as though the tour was not as enthralling to me as it was to some of the Game of Thrones fans in the group. That being said, the flower festival that was occuring at the time was absolutely beautiful, and I made sure to take a lot of photos to send to my girlfriend because she is a big fan of flowers (who isn’t a fan of flowers? If you aren’t a fan of flowers then that genuinely disgusts and confuses me).

Then, after the Flower Festival, I needed to go to the bathroom. I know that I said I would not tell another bathroom story, but I lied. I rushed to the public restroom and there was no toilet paper, so then I rushed to a pizza place and was able to go to the bathroom.

Then we went to the Dali museum, which was very cool but the tour guide absolutely rushed us through the museum which was super lame. Oh well.

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