Started off the day with a visit to the Modernism Museum. This place was chock full of fine furniture, stained glass and lots of art nervous pieces. I also got to see the early works of Pablo Picasso, who has his own museum in Barcelona. I did not get to go to that museum. I just didn’t have the time and I also heard mixed things about it. Going to this museum made me think of my girlfriend, who is very artsy. She loves art nouveau.

After that me and some of the other guys hightailed it north into the city for some Paella recommended by CEA. It was definitely worth it. We ordered two huge dishes for the four of us and crushed it like it was nobody’s business. We even got compliments on our Paella eating efficiency by some locals. I am totally going to miss the seafood here. Everything is so fresh and delicious.

After that we went back to listen to by far my favorite guest speaker of the whole trip, Marta Salicrú. She works for Radio Primavera Sound. She talked about what it is like running a radio station in the internet age is like, as well as what it is like organizing a massive music festival. I wrote a much larger piece about her, so I’ll keep my thoughts on this restricted in hopes that some of you go click the link. Overall, a great day in Spain, one of learning and stuffing my gullet with as much seafood as possible. It’s not like I can take it with me.

Categories: BarcelonaLecture