Hello, all! Welcome to my blog. I never really know how to write intros, so let’s cut to the chase. Hi! I’m Erin Yudt (pronounced like Ute). I am currently a junior journalism major and psychology minor (don’t ask me why; I barely know why). I am currently the editor-elect of the student-run newspaper The Globe, an editor for the Point Park News Service, and you can occasionally see my face on U-View’s NewsNight.

Why am I taking this trip you ask? The reason is simple: because I want to. It has always been a dream of mine to travel to literally anywhere; I have never even been out of the country. Coming from a middle class family, trips were seldom, and if even we did go somewhere, it was usually only an hour away for a day. I love learning about different cultures, exploring, and have always wanted to break out of the Western Pa. bubble. I also have always had a love for Spain and Europe in general. I took four years of Spanish in high school, and I really want to put what little skills I have to the test. This trip is also a huge opportunity professionally, as this class is literally based on international media. It is my dream to travel the world and cover news. Making connections on this trip is a once in a life time opportunity. I also want to let myself have fun, meet new people, and maybe find myself along the way.

Here is one of my favorite Spain travel videos that we watched in class. One thing about me is that I love food. Also, wishing this guy and his wife all the best. They’re true icons.

I am also bad at writing outros, so I guess this is the end. Bye!

Oh, and here’s a lovely photo of me.