Wednesday May 17th 2023

Good Morning, 🐕

Made myself breakfast. Did not have anything going on until 645pm so hung out in the apartment and texted Devin and asked if he wanted to go to the Husky Cafe he had mentioned. He texted back yes and so he made a booking and then got back to me again and added Erin Shannon and I to the booking. Erin Shannon and I walked to the CEA building to meet with the boys Devin, Gavin, Jake and Dan. We all walked the 15min to get to the husky cafe. There we paid 32 euro to have tapas a drink and a private event with the huskies. there was 4 huskies there 3 boys and 1 female. there all were so fluffy and cuddly. The 2 female owners said there from sybiria and explained how they train the huskies since pups and taught them tricks and different walking trails they go on. We all got to give them treats and take a group photo with them. after we had tapas a drink and got to say goodbye to the huskies. that was the most fun I had! I bought a 2 euro small keychain. After we all walked around besides Jake he went back by the metro. We went to a vintage store nxt to the Husky cafe and Shannon bought a jacket for 80 euro. We went toa poop statue store and another vintage store. Made our way back to the apartment and got ready for the lecture. Shannon and Gavin stayed behind at the vintage store and caught up later.

Business Visit fiasco with Metropolitan,

This visit was at 645pm we all took the metro to get to the meeting point. I asked a nun what her neckless was it was a goat. We waited and entered the building. We ended up sitting in a lobby area instead of a room to have the meeting in. The guys name was Victor and he started off with oh thought we were going to a room but we can talk here. he talks about how he scammed people and hacked banks and came to Spain illegally and that he is for women and that his daughter worked for him and now has her own thing. he put Blake and Jake on the spot by asking if they knew how many tampons a women uses which is just inappropriate. After i stayed chatted Jake talked to a journalist Erin and Jessie tried to get me to leave right away but i was trying to make a connection with a travel agent stayed left with cea lady she gave me directions i called my dad and figured the metro out and got back to the apartments Jake left on his own.

Gelato Adventure, 🍨

I went with Tatum at night to get ice cream after that fiasco I hadn’t eaten and so she went with me to go get some gelato. She found this place on her own and it was super cool. It was space themed and had an astronaut. The place was called Lucciano’s Del Gelato. I got 2 scoops of gelato and a panda shaped popsicle. I sent a pic to my mom and after Tatum and I took a pic together and walked back to the apartment. Got back and went to bed .



Categories: BarcelonaSpain