What a fun day. For our final visit and lecture we got to go see a theatre. But not just any theatre, this theatre had floors that could raise up 2 stories! It allowed for them to rearrange where the audience could sit and where the stage would be. I had never seen anything like it! I was taken aback by how cool it was, and I now wish that we had some theatres like this in the USA! I was in awe by the ability to be so versatile in a theatre environment, but hey what do you expect from people in the art! They love to adapt and change and figure out new ways to perform.

Our final lecture was from a man names Josep Ortega. His company’s name was Kings of Mambo, and I was really interested in what he did. He would build and manage websites for companies. I loved his story too. He wanted to initially be a war photographer, but then realized there wasn’t really any wars at the time and also that he didn’t necessarily want to be in that situation. So when photoshop first came out he changed his mind and started the Kings of Mambo in 2004. He has had his business open for over 18 years and in that time he has done over 1000 projects. I loved hearing about these super creative projects like one where they had a ball be passed for a certain amount of distance and once it finally reached the stadium it was handed to the ref and used for the game. I also found it super cool that he works with the World Chess Federation! I love chess, and I’ve actually just recently learned a lot more about it so I found that to be super fascinating. I feel like Josep is the perfect example of someone who has put in the work to accomplish what he wants. I find that really inspiring and I want to use that inspiration in my own life going forward. I can only achieve what I put the work in for. So although this was our last lecturer, I really enjoyed him and learning about his amazing company!

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