Girona was beautiful, I was in awe by its beauty. It was also a bonus that they were having a flower festival so there were flowers literally everywhere! I was so ecstatic to learn that Girona is where they filmed an iconic episode of Game of Thrones. It’s the one where Ceresi Lannister has to walk from the sept through the town back to her castle. and she as to do it fully naked while being shame by the entire city of Kings Landing. It was truly an insane episode, one that almost every Game of Thrones fan remembers. When I learned that this was the city where they filmed that, I started to geek out a little bit. I was looking all around me and literally imagining myself in Kings Landing. Imagining the markets around me and the people and the armor and horses. It was incredible! I do however wish our tour guide slowed down just a little bit. Since I was looking around and taking it all in, I was in the back of the line. So once I would here we were at a specific spot where they filmed everyone would already be leaving so I wouldn’t have enough time to fully soak it in. Nonetheless I still very much enjoyed it.

The Dali museum was very cool. I would say this was my second favorite museum (after the Prado of course). I found it very interesting that Dalis Car was actually a part of the museum and it was so cool to see water start to shoot out inside it and then the big umbrella open up above. I loved just the weirdness of this museum. I had never really seen anything like it before and I really liked getting to see all the crazy stuff that Dali had in his brain. I think the craziest thing that I saw was the theory that he predicted his death in one of his paintings. Literally when he would die. It was chilling. I loved seeing it and I loved getting to learn about him. It was truly a fun filled, memory making day!

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